Could you benefit from clarity?
Understanding who you are and how you fit into your world (career, family, community) can often be quite elusive. The pace of change these days is dizzying, and with it can come anxiety, confusion and frustration. Indeed, confidence in life is directly proportional to predictability – knowing what you can count on and why. Developing a clear vision for your life in the midst of such swift transition hinges on a number of things, some of which are: identifying your value system, gaining an understanding of how you’re wired, grasping your life purpose and your key passion in life. This first part of the journey will give you a strong foundation on which to base the rest of your life. If you already know what this is and are finding it hard to reconcile it with the life you’re living now, we’ll work on the courage to make whatever changes you need to make to have a breakthrough. This is the “know” of the cornerstone of the program.